Educational Training & Lectures
I can provide community training workshops and lectures, please contact me for more information.
Topics most often requested are below:
- Developmental Trauma; How our Biography becomes our Biology
- Trauma Informed Care and the ACE Study
- Nervous System Regulation for Adults: Integrating Body, Mind, Spirit
- Attachment and Attunement for Couples
- The Use of Expressive Arts in Clinical Assessment
- Somatic Experiencing Approach To Event Trauma
- Clinical Use of the Sand Tray
- Parent Alienation and The Legal System
Workshops coming soon!
- Basic Astrology Training Workshop
- SoulCollage Workshop
- Women’s Circle Themed Workshops (TBA)

Explore Methods & Modalities
My practice is known for Integrating Creative Expressive Therapies in a way that supports a triad focus on: “feeling emotions, reasoning thinking and physical sensing (interoception). Click the links below to learn more about methods and modalities integrated into my work.

Master Classes Coming Soon!
Master Classes:
- Projection
- The Use of Sand Tray
- Archetypes and the Stories we live by
- 5 Elements: Sensation, Emotion, Movement, Narrative, Spirit/Energetic Sense
- Art of the Relationship as Embodied Presence