Supporting Therapists & Practitioners
I support practitioners and therapists in teaching them how to become even more refined and skilled at what they do. I teach how to blend complex modalities and use an attachment informed, sensory based approach to integrate multi modes of treatment for complex trauma.
Supporting the Individual
I offer support for the individual through psychotherapy, intensive coaching, retreats, and family consulting. Kate enjoys working with people who have already explored interpersonal process work (and these individuals do not need to be practitioners to benefit from our work together).
Supporting Therapists & Practitioners
I support practitioners and therapists in teaching them how to become even more refined and skilled at what they do. I teach how to blend complex modalities and use an attachment informed, sensory based approach to integrate multi modes of treatment for complex trauma.
Supporting the Individual
I offer support for the individual through psychotherapy, intensive coaching, retreats, and family consulting. Kate enjoys working with people who have already explored interpersonal process work (and these individuals do not need to be practitioners to benefit from our work together).

The Power of Sound Therapy: Researching Rest & Restore Protocol Across the Globe
“This video shares the story of a treatment program and a community that I have been working with in South Africa during the fall of 2024. I am so excited to join the process of creating an Aftercare program with the Community of Grace. Together, we see healing happen inside community and family and individuals. This video introduces you to the Institution of Grace, a remarkable Treatment center. I will share more about this venture in time. Enjoy this short video.”
About Kate: Kate Appleton, LPC, SEP, TEB has worked as a Special Ed Teacher, Community Counselor, Creative Coach, & Family Consultant. Kate is a contributing author to the recent Guidelines written for combining SE and SSP in clinical practice. Her work is informed by somatic-based approaches to healing that address the intersection of early developmental movement patterns and attachment, sensory integration theory with specific use of “sound” frequency modalities, traumatology, the use of creative expressive arts, and the archetypal exploration of the narrative. As a psychotherapist, she integrates models such as Rest & Restore Protocol, Safe Sound Protocol, Somatic Experiencing®, Embodied Recovery, Transforming Touch®, and IFS parts work.
Upcoming Event: Rooted & Rising: A Women’s Spiritual Gathering

Join us for an inspiring afternoon at Chisholm Vineyards as we celebrate Women’s History Month with a sacred gathering of reflection, renewal, and connection to the divine feminine.
- Date: March 29 | Time: 2–4 PM
- Location: Chisholm Vineyards at Adventure Farm, LLC
1135 Clan Chisholm Lane, Earlysville, VA 22936 - Cost: $60 per person
- Reserve Your Spot: by emailing or calling 434-971-8796
Individual Consulting, Psychotherapy or Coaching
Coaching | Retreats | Parent & Family Consulting
Those wishing to do their own deep dive into Intensive direct work with Kate, are welcome to submit an application. This process is by application only and needs approval. Kate enjoys working with people who have already explored interpersonal process work. If you have a foundation in the theory or concepts associated with somatic healing or trauma informed care, feel free to inquire about deepening interpersonal explorations. These individuals do not need to be therapists or practitioners to benefit from our work together.
Intentional Experiences & Possibilities
Kate Appleton is a multidisciplinary clinician who has 40+ years of experience working with people from all walks of life. At this stage in her work, she is transitioning toward teaching skilled practitioners, coaches or those working in the healing arts field, learn how to blend complex modalities and use an attachment informed, sensory based approach to integrate multi modes of treatment for complex trauma. Alongside her practitioner support, she offers intensive retreats, psychotherapy, and consulting for individuals and families.
This integrative process supports the awakening of our connections to Soul, Safety, and Sensory experiences which leads to wholeness and reframes the stories we tell ourselves.
Listen to our latest podcast: Somatic Experience, Polyvagal Theory and SSP for Trauma – Panel Discussion
In this episode, we discuss the Polyvagal Theory, SSP and SE integration.
Clinical Support and Mentorship
Services for therapists, skilled practitioners, coaches or those working in the healing arts field.

Retreat Experiences
These retreats are often for individuals seeking a framework for their own personal development as well as the opportunity to cultivate a deeper transpersonal awareness of their relations with the overarching culture, their ancestors, their community and the evolving world of human beings.

Combined Delivery of SE & SSP
Kate has co-authored the Integrated Listening System’s training manual for the combined delivery of SE and the SSP protocol. For practitioners interested in experiencing the SSP themselves, or for those wanting advanced training & support for cases or for their own personal development, see below.

Clinical Consulting & Individual Coaching
I offer consultation services in the form of case consultations, trainings, group or individual supervision, and coaching. As a therapist, I can mentor you as you learn to expand your tool kit and build your confidence as you take on challenging cases.

For Somatic Experiencing Practitioners
Experience the Safe Sound Protocol through the lens of Sensory Integration as a combined delivery of SE/SSP. For practitioners interested in experiencing the SSP themselves, or for those wanting advanced training & support for cases or for their own personal development, please see these new options for working together:
- Personalized Intensive (5-Day Retreat)
- Practitioners Group Experiential Training & Delivery of SSP (4-Day Retreat)
- SEP Virtual Personalized Experiential Delivery of SSP
- SEP Virtual Group Experiential Delivery of SSP
- SEP/SSP Virtual Group Case Consulting for Combined Delivery
- SE/SSP Individual Case Consulting for combined delivery

Somatic Coaching & Psychotherapy
I use an integrative approach to healing, addressing the complex interplay between the biological, behavioral, psychological, spiritual, relational, and environmental factors that contribute to internal and external disharmony. Integrative healing honors the internal wisdom of all living systems and trusts that healing power and intelligence is within us all. We focus on integrating the way we connect with ourselves and others, the way we use our defense system to manage threat, and the interconnectedness of how our physical body tells our story.
When we can acknowledge that something is not “wrong”, but rather, something is stuck on “repeat” for very good reasons, then a shift comes along quickly! Knowledge can be helpful, yet it is experiences that bring knowledge into life and form. As we move from cognition to experience, we awaken the Wakeful Witness and live a more embodied enlivened life.
Clinical Consulting & Mentorship
I offer consultation services in the form of mentorship, trainings, group or individual supervision, and case consultations. As a Virginia state approved Supervisor and Master Therapist, I can mentor you as you learn to expand your tool kit and build your confidence as you take on challenging cases.
I also offer Practitioner Deep Dive Intensives
We have been trained to work with what the client brings. This is NOT all that I work with. I work with the subtle material of the unified field. They don’t know that, but being a master, I do, and I hold that for them until they are ready to see, feel, act on and be witness to… this field. How I hold them in the room is quantifiably different. How I see them, how I see the room, and how I challenge them is based on bringing them toward this place of knowing and being known by their witness. My Supervision and Mentorship invites you to explore this experience and expand your own relationship with the unified field of awareness. See how this can awaken your own capacity to be with more of what is available in the room with clients.
“Kate is an incredible guide and her wisdom is palpable. She encouraged me to be open and curious throughout our weekend together. Little did I know, this openness and curiosity would lead me to feeling whole, alive, and connected — to myself, others, and nature. I left the weekend feeling like a brand new person. I was reborn, seeing the world with new eyes.” – Karena H., Ph.D., LPC, ACS, NCC

Creative Integration & Soul Tending
Soul Tending and Spiritual Direction is a transpersonal-based, body-centered and trauma-informed, integrated program addressing spiritual emergence with spiritual inquiry that integrates a focus on our evolving journey for purpose and meaning making.
I want to work with people who are curious about life and want to integrate Spirituality with a deeper embodied experience of being human.
When people are feeling lost or confused about themselves or their life, I often find that what is missing is a connection… to Self and something bigger that unites and connects us. When we invite a curiosity about what is sacred, what is holy and of deeper value, then that exploration leads us to the mysteries of life, both those which are personal and those which are corporate or cultural. I have a passion for inviting such a journey to those I work with.
“If you are willing to explore… and go there… I will join you on the edge… I’ll go with you, and we will dip our toes into the water, get wet, begin to find our way.” – Kate Appleton
Client Testimonials
“I have been working with Kate for almost 4 years and I can’t express how much she has touched my life. I initially reached out to her because of her diverse set of creative approaches. Upon meeting her, I was struck by her warmth, sincerity, and willingness. Over time, I have continued to work with Kate because she has been incredibly supportive, present, daring. She has instilled in me a curiosity and willingness to shift perspectives, balance emotions and take action. All along, I have felt that Kate hit an elegant balance between encouraging me, holding my hand and letting me build and walk my own path. She has not held back from challenging me, calling me out when I needed it, yet she also provided the softness and understanding that I needed. She has not only been a therapist but a mentor, a wise ear, a confidant. Kate is not your typical therapist and she doesn’t fit into any boxes. She is a true gem, and I feel lucky to have crossed paths with her.” – Lalin Anik, BA, DBA Harvard Business School
“The things I value most about working with Kate are her incredibly accurate intuition and her directness, which enable her to hone in and make progress significantly faster.
My life has improved dramatically in just the last 5 months since I started working with Kate. Throughout my life, I have had anxiety, difficulties with sleep, and emotional traumas.
Already, I have experienced tremendous results. Not only do I have less anxiety than I ever have before, but now I also have a deep sense of peace. I now fall asleep easily, sleep soundly through the night, and wake up feeling refreshed. I have better boundaries which extends to a multitude of areas and situations. She has helped me understand, process, and reframe the emotional traumas I experienced.” – Meghan M
Client Testimonials
“I have been working with Kate for almost 4 years and I can’t express how much she has touched my life. I initially reached out to her because of her diverse set of creative approaches. Upon meeting her, I was struck by her warmth, sincerity, and willingness. Over time, I have continued to work with Kate because she has been incredibly supportive, present, daring. She has instilled in me a curiosity and willingness to shift perspectives, balance emotions and take action. All along, I have felt that Kate hit an elegant balance between encouraging me, holding my hand and letting me build and walk my own path. She has not held back from challenging me, calling me out when I needed it, yet she also provided the softness and understanding that I needed. She has not only been a therapist but a mentor, a wise ear, a confidant. Kate is not your typical therapist and she doesn’t fit into any boxes. She is a true gem, and I feel lucky to have crossed paths with her.” – Lalin
“The things I value most about working with Kate are her incredibly accurate intuition and her directness, which enable her to hone in and make progress significantly faster.
My life has improved dramatically in just the last 5 months since I started working with Kate. Throughout my life, I have had anxiety, difficulties with sleep, and emotional traumas.
Already, I have experienced tremendous results. Not only do I have less anxiety than I ever have before, but now I also have a deep sense of peace. I now fall asleep easily, sleep soundly through the night, and wake up feeling refreshed. I have better boundaries which extends to a multitude of areas and situations. She has helped me understand, process, and reframe the emotional traumas I experienced.” – Meghan M