Spiritual Emergence Retreat
Restoration, Rhythms, and Ritual to Soothe the Soul
Meet and be met by the companionship of another. This is Witnessing. When we develop our own Inner Wakeful Witness to create this relationship with ourselves then courtship can take place.
When we are Orienting to pleasure, while holding the painful presence of grief or dis-ease, then wonderful shifts in our awareness can arrive. Integration happens where Invitation, initiation and incarnation have been sown (or planted).
Attunement, alignment, centering, grounded connection to earth and body…
become steps awakening our truth, our true nature, our true song…
Dance with the shadow, the pain, the discomfort and the exiled…
Dance with the dawn of awakening, the remembering of joy, the tickle of humor, the tenderness that arrives with the breath of release.
Develop an Inner Life Practice that recharges the Soul: Life is busy and yet we need a daily practice of meeting the Self, developing sacred space for connecting to the Inner Realm of Wisdom: body, mind, and spirit. Honoring a sacredness for healing to arrive will open up the doors to the Deep Well of Wisdom’s Remembering.
Accessing the Wisdom of Healing: My work combines somatic awareness, a listening attunement practice, a grounded presence and transformational processes that address individual and generational trauma. Our traumatic experiences carry the opportunity of generational healing and the spiritual restoration of our whole Self; across time, across culture and across generational stories. Learn how to Re-See the memory of trauma through a restorative lens and fully from our embodied present.
In the space of curiosity between the particles of knowable form, is a spark of life that transforms fear. When we bring a practice of “awareness”, of deeper presence and witness consciousness to the current measurable concrete elements of reality, we expand our connectedness… to Self as Soul, as well as to Others. It is in this embodied experience of living that true connectedness is formed. This is beyond the thinking brain of concrete science, where we often bypass or disregard the embodied experiences of an authentic life.
Beneath the stories we tell ourselves lies the physical and spiritual experience of our history; that which is felt and carried in our bones, in the memory of our conscious cells on a bio-conscious level. As we bring awareness to our attachment connections and integrate them with our true authenticity, then we awaken a greater sense of belonging.
A Spiritual Emergence retreat is typically 3-5 days in length
Pricing is custom to the needs of the client please inquire by identifying the services you are interested in.
Please submit an application if you are considering a Spiritual Emergence Retreat.