Individual Intensive Retreats
I focus on building resilience through self-regulation and co-regulation both with others and within the internal connection to the Self. This supports the creation of a relationship with the space inside us and the space between our relationships with others.
I offer the experience of Awakening a Relationship with Your Soul, developing this relationship into a partnership for mastering your life vision. Inviting a “Courtship of the Integrative Self:
I am outside the box; I challenge you to reimagine your relationship with the Inner most sacred Center of your Self. To meet this “part” of who you already are, to embrace this gifted brilliant Soul with gratitude for providing whatever is needed (wounds included here), to cultivate the ground for Soul Growth. I invite curiosity and awaken the understanding of why things happen, which then provides the space for gratitude to grow in the garden of the inner being.
I offer modalities for regulating the nervous system, for adapting to and dancing with the discomfort (uncomfortable experiences) in life. I teach the science behind the body’s way of managing “threat” or conflict, fear and sadness. I lead clients to discover that what seemed like a “problem” was only a means of the body/mind/soul getting their attention. When we can move away from attending to what is “wrong” and notice what is stuck on “repeat” for very good reasons, then a shift comes along quickly! Knowledge can be helpful, yet it is experiences that bring knowledge into life and form. As we move from cognition to experience, we awaken the Wakeful Witness and live a more embodied enlivened life.
People can tell and retell their story until they get tired of hearing it and STILL not find relief. What I suggest is to step “outside” the story and notice how they hold that story in their body. What else do they notice? Taking a look at the patterns that have emerged repeatedly over time helps us unwind them. What keeps cycling in our lives? Do we keep finding ourselves struggling with the same symptoms over and over again? How can we shift this cycle? How can we complete the sequence that wants to heal? What wants to resolve that keeps getting in the way of our joy? What is actually present that we keep missing? What is the one strength that we bring to our life that seems to go unnoticed by our constant focus on the squeaky wheel?
This Individual Personalized retreat investment is 12,500 – 15,000 depending on the services desired and length of stay. Please contact me here to inquire about a retreat.

Practitioners Deep Dive Intensive
We have been trained to work with what the client brings. This is NOT all that I work with. I work with the subtle material of the unified field. They don’t know that, but being a master, I do, and I hold that for them until they are ready to see, feel, act on and be witness to… this field. How I hold them in the room is quantifiably different. How I see them, how I see the room, and how I challenge them is based on bringing them toward this place of knowing and being known by their witness. My Supervision and Mentorship invites you to explore this experience and expand your own relationship with the unified field of awareness. See how this can awaken your own capacity to be with more of what is available in the room with clients.

Retreat Testimonials
My weekend intensive with Kate was more than I could have ever imagined! It is challenging to put it all into words.
Safety was established first and foremost and continually during our time together. This helped me to breathe deeper and relax into our time ahead. We set an intention for the weekend and quickly left that intention behind in order to be open to what may come out of our moments together. A weekend of sand tray, expressive arts, somatic experiencing, and reflection opened up my mind, my body, and my heart to things that I had long forgotten and/or tucked away. In three days I was able to uncover and explore more than I have been able to do with past counselors in a year. Kate’s integrated approaches engaged my mind, body, and spirit, helping me to uncover patterns and blocks that have been holding me back for decades. I could have never stepped into these parts of myself without feeling safe and knowing I was in the lead. Kate did a great job letting me lead the way to my own healing.
Kate is an incredible guide and her wisdom is palpable. She encouraged me to be open and curious throughout our weekend together. Little did I know, this openness and curiosity would lead me to feeling whole, alive, and connected — to myself, others, and nature. I left the weekend feeling like a brand new person. I was reborn, seeing the world with new eyes.
My follow-up session allowed me to let the weekend settle in my mind and in my body, in order to fully integrate my takeaways into life. I will forever hold this experience in my heart as a defining moment for my life. I am truly grateful for this experience!
– Karena H., Ph.D., LPC, ACS, NCC
“I looked into doing one of those very fancy retreats on the west coast, but a friend was adamant that I consider a retreat with Kate instead. She had done one and knew how beneficial it would be for me. While I know any of those fancy retreats would have been wonderfully relaxing, a retreat with Kate is on a completely different and elevated level. Every single detail was personalized just for me and the amount of shifting and growth is indescribable. The accommodations are new, private, and well-appointed. She was wonderful about customizing the menu for my challenging food allergies and her cooking is better than most restaurants.”
– Meghan M